Voi che ne dite? Quale vi colpisce di più?
Lasciate un commento, proponete dei link con Infographics che vi hanno colpito, fateci conoscere nuovi stili e nuove statistiche bizzarre!
We adore Infographics! It 's the most creative form to express boring and uninteresting statistics. In the web there are all kinds infographics and there are so many, about Marketing, sports, the human body, about colors, graphic design, dreams, stereotypes, about food and tattoos.. the list is endless.. I propose here some interesting and bizarre infographics! I'm always trying to find the best! I love the ones with the vintage graphics! I vote among those below the infographic about NBA! It has an amazing graphic! But also the one about tattoo is really unconventional!
What do you think about? Which of these, impresses you most?
Leave a comment, and propose links with Infographics that you like, let us know about new styles and new bizarre statistics!
Ciao, in effetti non male i tatuaggi, ma voto NBA.
RispondiEliminaE se le infografiche prendessero il posto dei curriculum vitae???
Pero' di persone con diverse esperienze alle spalle, altrimenti risulterebbe un foglio quasi vuoto ... :-)