// Cinemagraphs: living emotions

A Cinemagraph is an image that contains within itself a living moment that allows a glimpse of time to be experienced and preserved endlessly.
They are produced by taking a series of photographs or a video recording, and, using image editing software, compositing the photographs or the video frames into an seamless loop of sequential frames, often using the animated GIF file format in such a manner that motion in part of the subject between exposures (for example, a person’s dangling leg) is perceived as a repeating or continued motion, in contrast with the stillness of the rest of the image.
Visual Graphics Artist Kevin Burg began experimenting with the .gif format in this style in 2009 but it wasn’t until he partnered with photographer Jamie Beck that Cinemagraphs were born.

The term “cinemagraph” was coined by U.S. photographers Kevin Burg and Jamie Beck, who used the technique to animate their fashion and news photographs beginning in early 2011.

Cinemagraph: an experience that captures, leaving a hint of melancholy, isn't it?

Un Cinemagraph è un'immagine che contiene in sé un momento di vita che permette di assaporare un assaggio di tempo, vissuto e conservato all'infinito.
Sono prodotte da una serie di scatti fotografici o da una video registrazione, e usando un software di editing, dove le fotografie e i frame video sono assempblati per produrre loop di fotogrammi sequenziali, spesso utilizzando il formato di file GIF animato in modo tale che il movimento nella parte del soggetto tra esposizioni (per esempio, la gamba penzoloni di una persona) venga percepito come un movimento ricorrente o continuo, in contrasto con l'immobilità del resto dell'immagine.
Il Visual Graphic Artist, Kevin Burg, inizia a sperimentare il formato .gif nel 2009, ma la Cinemagraphs naque solo quando iniziò a collaborare con il fotografo Jamie Beck.

Il termine "cinemagraph" fu coniato in U.S. dagli stessi Kevin Burg e Jamie Beck, che iniziarono ad usare la tecnica per animare le loro foto, agli inizi del 2011.

Cinemagraph: un'esperienza che cattura, lasciando un pizzico di malinconia, non trovate?


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//About Us

Kino Concept is a dynamic italian graphic design studio, with his headquarter in Venice Area, Italy. His hallmarks are innovation, originality, creativity and passion for arts and design. Our experience in Art and Design has begin 10 years ago. From the high school to the master, we learned to paint, handmade draw, make sculptures, create brands, graphic design and advertising. The important value that formed our professional career, is the artistic study in our birth land, Italy. We have grown with the love for art, an aspect that has always guide our country. Kino Concept is the best stop shop.

//Why this blog

The 360° concept has an important meaning for us. The passion for art and for communication from A to Z. We are continuously interested in all the news related to the creation of Corporate Identity, Brand Manuals, Logotypes, Packaging, Layout design, Photo-Editing, Web Design and Marketing, Design and we love to be informed in Ecological aspects of design and arts, Illustration, Fashion, Technology, Typography, advertising and more. We have always thinked that the most important things are the research and the sharing. So we decide to build this blog, in connection with social networks and creative networks. We will never stop to study and be creative.